Thank you for considering a gift of securities in support of The Nicholas J. Pernokas Recreation Park.
Gifting securities has significant financial benefit for both the Wolfeboro Area Recreation Association (WARA) and the donor. Securities that have appreciated in value, are deductible at market value, regardless of the original purchase price. The donor avoids capital gains tax liability (if applicable), receives a tax deduction for their donation, and potentially makes a contribution greater than a cash equivalent. WARA then benefits by selling the stock at market value without paying taxes on the gain.
Before a transfer is made, we ask that you please notify us with the date of transfer, name of security, and number of shares gifted so we can monitor our account for the expected transfer. Please do so by emailing, by mail; PO Box 838, Wolfeboro NH, 03894, or by calling us at (603) 569-1909. Please also be sure to consult your financial advisor before making a transfer.
All securities gifts should be registered or titled as follows:
Wolfeboro Area Recreation Association
Tax ID #: 02-0495737
All securities gifts should be directed to the following Fidelity Brokerage Account
Account #: 645-286409
DTC #: 0226
Appreciated securities can be transferred to WARA in a variety of ways. The most common methods are listed below with instructions. If you would like to use an alternative method, please contact us at (603) 569-1909.
If your securities are held with Fidelity, simply complete a Letter of Instruction that contains the following information:
The names of all the account owners
Note: A signature guarantee* is required only if the gift is for $10,000 or more.
The current address of record and your daytime phone number
The Fidelity account number you’re gifting from
The recipient’s name, SSN, and Fidelity account number to be credited (Wolfeboro Area Recreation Association, Tax ID#-02-0495737, Account # 645-286409)
A description of the securities you’re gifting (e.g., the complete security name, the number of shares or dollar amount, the CUSIP number, etc.)
You can bring the letter to your local investor center or mail it to Fidelity at this address:
Fidelity Investments
Attn: Account Reregistration Services
PO Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0039
Note: Please do not mail the letter to your local investor center.
If your securities are held with an investment firm other than Fidelity, your advisor should be able to provide you with instructions and documents to arrange for transfer. If your firm is unable to provide you with these documents, please call Fidelity for assistance at (800) 343-3548.
If you hold physical stock or bond certificates, you may transfer shares to WARA by doing the following (provided the number of shares or face value of the certificate exactly equals the gift you wish to make):
1. Complete an Irrevocable Gift Letter
2. Assign the certificate by completing and signing the back of the certificate
3. Deliver your certificate to The Nick Office:
4. In person: Please contact Holly Aucoin at (603) 569-1909 to set up an appointment.
5. By US Postal Service: PO Box 838, Wolfeboro NH, 03894.
You may wish to send USPS either certified mail or return request to track the delivery of your certificate.